Sunday, May 31, 2009

Sexual Ecstacy from Ancient Wisdom

The basic knowledge of the sexual principles introduced in this text is found in the esoteric teachings of every ancient culture. Even the most ancient sexual teachings of India and Egypthave their roots in these principles. At the source of this knowledge are the Summa Individuals, beings who come to this planet to assist in the teaching of the mysteries, joys and delights of the ancient sexual wisdom; and who, throughout time, have taught and enlightened advanced teachers from all areas of this planet. It is from this source that the technique of sexual ecstasy has been obtained, for "Man and woman are, that they may have Joy." The last recorded reservoir of these teachings on planet Earth has been found in Egypt, a home of the pyramids. All nations have borrowed from the ancient inheritance of Egypt. India, Persia, China, Japan, ancient Greece, Rome and other countries partook liberally at the feast of knowledge which the teachers of the land of Ra and Isis so freely provided for them. A blanket of theology has been spread over the understanding of sexual joy and ecstasy by the
philosophies and religions throughout history. We see in every religion a controlling of sexual joy. This control of sexual joy has been created for several reasons. Some of these reasons are valid and others are self serving for the religions.
ANCIENT WISDOM has been mentioned in many books which tell you how to improve your sex life. While some of these books are useful, this text is different from all others on the subject of sexual joy. The information contained herein deals directly with the ancient wisdom which is the root of sexual ecstasy -- not momentary joy, but sexual joy, delights and ecstasy which will become a permanent state of consciousness when
Acquiring this wisdom does not require volumes of manuscripts and years of practice. You can choose to make it effortless and instantaneous, not a laborious struggle. The choice is yours, for as stated in another aphorism of ancient wisdom:
"Everything is dual; everything has an opposing point; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; extremes bond; all truths are but partialtruths; all paradoxes may be reconciled." -- Summum
alludes to the paradox of gaining the wisdom to prolonged and permanent sexual ecstasy. The paradox is, you can choose to make it difficult or you can choose to make it EASY. As the aphorism states, everything is dual. There is an easy way and there is a hard way to gain anything. Studying volumes of manuscripts, accompanied by years of practice, is the hard way. The easy way is to closely follow the ancient wisdom found in this text and allow yourself to experience now, today, prolonged and permanent sexual ecstasy. "Where your attention is, is where you are" is the key to allowing yourself the experience of prolonged and permanent sexual ecstasy. If your attention is on trying to perform a gymnastic sexual position, then that is where you are, trying to enjoy gymnastics. If your attention is off in some sexual fantasy or exotic verbal performance, then that is where you are. If your attention is in trying to relax or in thinking about something to bring you to orgasm, then that is where you are. If your attention is in any place other than the experience of prolonged and permanent sexual ecstasy, you will not experience this state. Follow closely these simple instructions and allow yourself to experience the ancient wisdom of prolonged and permanent sexual ecstasy.